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[REPORT] Jonathan Chriss (Mixing)


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Posted (edited)

Nama pelapor: Brendan_Bosch

Nama pelanggar: Jonathan_Chriss

Peraturan yang dilanggar:


Apa yang terjadi:

Tadi saya lagi di pemancingan SMB, terus tahu tahu ada orang ketawa make "Wkwkwkw", Itu kan termasuk BR Mixing In Chat.


Bukti SS :


Bukti Chatlog :

[17:02:10] AdmCmd: Muhammad_Awang has been warned by chrisroberts222, Total warning: 2
[17:02:10] Reason: Crime at Green Zone[Report Forum]
[17:02:24] Joe Moerphy says: makasi
[17:02:26] Jonathan Chriss says: wkwkwkw kasian deh lu
[17:02:31] AdmCmd: Muhammad_Awang has been warned by chrisroberts222, Total warning: 3
[17:02:31] Reason: OOC Lie[Report Forum]
[17:02:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Flatbed 1 Insu harga 0 CP:
[17:02:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fakhri Permana{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}411900{FF0000}]
[17:02:34] Brendan Bosch: (( Om angan Mixing ))
[17:02:37] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-017.png
[17:02:49] Jonathan Chriss: (( siapa mixing? ))
[17:02:52] Brendan Bosch: (( Lu ))
[17:03:00] Jonathan Chriss: (( saya jawab yg ditanya dia ))


Edited by Vandebosch
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