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Sofia Argaz [Jann]

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Sofia Argaz



     Sofia Argaz was born on April 15, 1980. Sofia is a foreign country from the city of Turkey precisely the city of Adana, Sofia migrated to the United States and precisely in the city of Los Santos wants to find a new life and a new atmosphere. When Sofia left for her country of birth, she was still quite easy, namely 19 years old, and it had been 2 years since Sofia was in the city of Los Santos. At first Sofia's parents did not allow Sofia to migrate abroad but Sofia still wanted to migrate to reach her dreams.


     Sofia's dream is to move to the city of Los Santos. She wants to become a member of the police force in this city, with her determination and confidence, she continues to strive to achieve her dreams. He is always diligent in exercising so that his body is fit, and always maintain a diet like nutrition, protein, carbohydrates, and maintain a sleep pattern that doesn't sleep too late or often stay up late. He made himself more disciplined because he didn't want to practice with just that he wanted to enjoy the maximum results from his own efforts.

     When Los Santos police registration was opened Sofia immediately registered without thinking, then he entered the police academy stage where every day he was always trained with discipline, he did not feel troubled or even feel tired because when he was before registering at the police he always practiced alone every day. Day after day he passed with his perseverance to reach his dreams he continued to practice unyielding until it was time for graduation for academy members who had passed various obstacles. And the announcement of whether or not Sofia escaped was nervous about whether he had managed to escape or not, it was time for Sofia's name to be called and finally he had qualified for the police academy. Sofia immediately informed her parents who were still in Adana, Turkey. Sofia's parents did not expect because her child had escaped at the Los Santos Police Department. A few days Sofia underwent tasks given by superiors quickly Sofia completed the tasks that had been given from her superiors, and finally Sofia had succeeded in reaching her dreams.





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Saya rozan_altakwar selaku pemilik account UCP Jann bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Sofia Argaz) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

Edited by rozan_altakwar
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To @NamaForum

I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to APPROVE your request. Please read the following guide to activate your link your store to your In-Game account:



JG:RP Staff Team.


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