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Morrisey_Nevarrione [nun45kuy]

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          Morrisey Nevarrione was born on February 3, 1999 in a Pennsylvania county hospital, Morrisey is the first of two children. Morrisey has a younger brother with an age difference of about 4 years. Morrisey is a passionate and dedicated person who cares about his brother and friends. Morrisey has always dreamed of becoming a police officer to protect and serve the civilians. Morrisey's father and mother always support Morrisey's wish to be achieved. Moreover, Morrisey has a younger brother and it could be that later his younger brother can follow in the footsteps of his brother, Morrisey.


          During school, Morrisey was so smart that he always got good grades at school, Morrisey graduated from high school as the best graduate. His family was very happy because Morrisey was very smart in every way. Morrisey wanted to continue his studies to a higher level, namely entering the University. Morrisey wanted to add more insight to his knowledge so Morrisey chose the University of Pennsylvania because it was still in the same city as his house. During Morrisey's college days he was active in extracurricular activities, Morrisey participated in sports organizations and the Student Executive Board. Morrisey was very happy because he had many friends. Because Morrisey is very smart, Morrisey can graduate quickly completing his study period for only 3 years. After graduating Morrisey later wanted to try to enroll in SAPD.


          A few months after graduation day, Morrisey saw the news on television that the San Andreas Police Department (SAPD) would be recruiting new officers. Morrisey hurry up to try to apply and hoped to be accepted right away. Morrisey was so happy to hear this news that Morrisey prepared his physique every day and kept himself in shape. With a strong background in passion and dedication and a sense of caring for others, Morrisey has developed excellent communication skills and the ability to adapt to challenging situations. Morrisey is confident that he will be accepted into the new recruitment pool and is determined to be a wise enforcer of justice who helps citizens promptly and reliably.




Character Story Pertama: No

Durasi bermain di JG:RP: 1 - 2 tahun

URL Namechange:

Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:



Saya Eiyonzi selaku pemilik account UCP nun45kuy bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Morrisey_Nevarrione) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

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Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:




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9 minutes ago, ZixCzy said:

Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


1. Tidak

2. 1 tahun lebih.

3. Namechange

4. Tidak [only nun45kuy]

5.  Tidak [only Eiyonzi]

6. Rumah

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email_logo.pngJogjagamers Reality Project
Helper Team
Character Story

Dear @Eiyonzi,


I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website.

We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character.


JG:RP Helper Team

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