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[SHR]Payday The Heist.

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Hallo semuanya mungkin game ini sudah mainstrem bagi kalian saya ingin share Payday The Heist.


Publisher : Sony online entertainment | Developer : Ovedrill Sofware | Release Date : October 2011 | Genre : First-person shooter,Action.


About the Game.


Additionally, PAYDAY: The Heist challenges players with dynamic environments and adaptive enemy tactics meaning no scenario will ever play out the same way twice. Players will have to work together, assigning team members to various tasks guarding key positions, keeping civilians in check and kracking through various security measures, while surviving wave after wave of law enforcement that shift their strategies based on player actions.
Intinya, game ini mirip Left 4 Dead 2 (4 player coop), tapi kita ngerampok bank, berlian, emas, lawannya polisi, SWAT, FBI. Terus bisa nyandera sipil buat ngebebasin temen kita yang ditahan. Pokoknya beda deh dari game lain.
Link Download.
Atau anda bisa membeli Gamenya di steam.
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